White House Memos on 1966 DOT Act Conference Negotiations
White House memoranda relating to the House-Senate conference negotiations on the Department of Transportation Act of 1966.
White House memoranda relating to the House-Senate conference negotiations on the Department of Transportation Act of 1966.
Internal White House memorandum dated November 17, 1955 summarizing a “Road Gang” luncheon panel discussion on what the outcome for the highway bill would be in the upcoming 1956 session of Congress.
Transportation Weekly issue brief dated May 12, 2014, entitled “Do We Still Need the Highway Trust Fund?”
Section-by-section analysis provided by the Department of Transportation to Congress of the Bush Administration’s proposed Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1991.
Text of the George H.W. Bush Administration’s proposed Surface Transportation Authorization Act of 1991, as introduced in the House of Representatives as H.R. 1351. The bill proposed the creation of a 150,000-mile National Highway System…
March 3, 1959 report to Congress by the Commerce Department pursuant to section 117 of the Federal-aid Highway Act of 1956, which required a “full and complete investigation and study for the purpose of deter-…
Message from President Johnson to Congress on March 2, 1966 that recommended the following: creation of a new Department of Transportation, the establishment of a new federal program of highway and vehicle safety, and the…
Text of engrossed House amendment in the nature of a substitute to the Senate amendment to H.R. 22 (114th Congress), the DRIVE Act. 864-page PDF file.
White House papers, letters and memos relating to the November 10, 1982 meeting of the Cabinet Council on Economic Affairs to discuss Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis’s proposal for a gasoline and diesel tax increase. These…
Text of H. Res. 507, the first special rule from the Rules Committee, for House consideration of H.R. 22, the DRIVE Act (with modified text of H.R. 3763, the STRR Act, as an amendment). Includes…
This is a series of memos presented to President Ford in May 1975 requesting his decisions on highway funding policy for fiscal 1976 and thereafter. The main issue was that the newly created Congressional budget…
Section-by-section summary of H.R. 3763, the STRR Act, as introduced in the House on October 20 – prepared by the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee staff.
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