1996 House ISTEA Reauthorization Hearings Part 1 – March 28 and May 2, 7 and 16, 1996
Hearings of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on ISTEA reauthorization on March 28 and May 2, 7 and 16, 1996.
Hearings of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on ISTEA reauthorization on March 28 and May 2, 7 and 16, 1996.
Hearings of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on ISTEA reauthorization held on March 22, 26, and 28, April 7 and 21, May 7 and June 6, 1997.
December 9, 1970 OMB memo detailing a December 8 conversation between OMB staff and the House Republican members of the conference committee on the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970 (H.R. 19504), who were trying to…
December 1, 1970 update of this document from the Department of Transportation expressing whether not DOT’s views on each of the major issues in dispute in the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970 (H.R. 19504) had…
OMB memo from sometime in November 1970 giving detail of each major issue at stake in the pending highway bill (H.R. 19504) about to go before the House of Representatives and summarizing the OMB, DOT…
Memo from the Department of Transportation (undated, but from some time in November 1970) expressing DOT’s position on the various issues under discussion in the House and Senate versions of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of…
November 24, 1970 White House legislative affairs staff memo discussing meetings held with key GOP legislators on the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970 and their reluctant agreement to “swallowing the whole bill on the floor…
November 17, 1970 memo summarizing a meeting between White House staff and General Motors lobbyist Ray Ouelette discussing the internal fight within the highway lobby over opening up the Highway Trust Fund to mass transit…
November 13, 1970 internal White House staff memo suggesting that the Nixon Administration “make some effort to diminish the tremendous power which State Highway Directors now have over state government and politics” by reducing the…
White House file memo noting the decisions made at a November 3, 1970 meeting between White House Domestic Affairs Council, Office of Management and Budget, and Department of Transportation staff to come up with a…
Undated section-by-section summary of a draft surface transportation reauthorization bill produced by the Department of Transportation but never released to the public.
Undated draft legislation from late in 2010 produced by USDOT and intended to serve as the Administration’s surface transportation reauthorization proposal. This language was never cleared by OMB and therefore never released to the public,…
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