This page will be updated throughout the budget cycle as new documents are released. The page goes through the stages of the budget process in the following order (just keep scrolling down):
Congressional Budget Office January 2019 Forecast
Presidential FY 2020 Request
Budget Overview/Highlights Documents from Departments
Detailed Budget Justification Documents from Agencies
Congressional Budget Office May 2019 Baseline
House Budget “Deeming” Resolution
Senate Budget Resolution
Bipartisan Budget Agreement
Appropriations Subcommittee Allocations – House
Appropriations Subcommittee Allocations – Senate
Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill
Homeland Security Appropriations Bill
Transportation-HUD Appropriations Bill
Continuing Appropriations
Final, Consolidated Appropriations
Congressional Budget Office January 2019 Forecast
Presidential FY 2020 Request
- President’s Budget Message. (March 11, 2019)
- Infrastructure Initiative fact sheet from OMB. (March 11, 2019)
- Appendix containing all proposed appropriations language (March 18, 2019)
- Analytical Perspectives containing details of proposed mandatory spending and revenue changes (March 18, 2019)
- List of downloadable Excel spreadsheets of Analytical Perspectives supplemental materials (March 18, 2019)
- Historical Tables (March 18, 2019)
- Federal Credit Supplement (March 18, 2019)
- Object Class Analysis of Obligations (March 18, 2019)
- Balances of Budget Authority (March 18, 2019)
- Major Savings and Reforms (March 18, 2019)
- Baseline by Function, Category and Program (table) (March 18, 2019)
- Budget Request by Agency and Account (table) (March 18, 2019)
- Budget Request by Function, Category and Program (table) (March 18, 2019)
- OMB Sequestration Preview Report for FY 2020 (March 18, 2019)
- OMB Report on Joint Committee Reductions for FY 2020 (March 18, 2019)
- OMB Sequestration Update Report for FY 2020 (August 20, 2019)
- Economic Report of the President (March 20, 2019)
- Mid-Session Review, FY 2020 (July 12, 2019)
- Subscriber-only budget coverage from ETW: DOT overview, DOT budget request summary tables, “macro” budget totals, infrastructure initiative, mass transit funding, water infrastructure programs, tax and fee proposals, discretionary appropriation caps and proposals, Highway Trust Fund assumptions, USDOT competitive grant programs, Amtrak budget
Budget Overview/Highlights Documents from Departments
Detailed Budget Justification Documents from Departments
Congressional Budget Office May 2019 Baseline
House Budget “Deeming” Resolution
Senate Budget Resolution
Bipartisan Budget Agreement
- Legislative text of agreement as introduced (July 22, 2o19)
- Bipartisan “deal memo” elaborating on, and interpreting, the bill text (July 22, 2019)
- Congressional Budget Office score of the bill text as originally posted (July 23, 2019)
- Transcript of House floor debate on H.R. 3877 (July 25, 2019)
- Transcript of Senate floor debate on H.R. 3877 (August 1, 2019)
- Text of H.R. 3877 as signed into law by the President (August 2, 2019)
- Budget allocations to Senate committees for FY 2020-2029 (September 9, 2019)
- Subscriber-only coverage from ETW: House Passes 2-Year Budget/Debt Limit Deal, Senate Adjourns for 5 Weeks After Clearing Budget Deal, Nominees,
Appropriations Subcommittee Allocations – House
Appropriations Subcommittee Allocations – Senate
Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill
House Bill
- House subcommittee hearing on the Corps of Engineers budget request (video) (March 27, 2019)
- Draft House bill text (May 14, 2019) – together with fact sheet.
- House subcommittee markup (video) May 15, 2019)
- Draft House committee report (May 20, 2019)
- OMB letter to the House Appropriations Committee on the bill (May 20, 2019)
- House full committee markup (video) (May 21, 2019)
- Text of amendments offered in full committee markup (May 21, 2019)
- Roll call votes on amendments offered in full committee markup (May 21, 2019)
- Text of H.R. 2960 as reported to the House (May 23, 2019)
- Text of House Report 116-83 (May 23, 2019)
- House Rules Committee announcement of floor process for minibus package #1, H.R. 2740 (June 3, 2o19)
- Text of Rules Committee Print 116-17 (June 3, 2019) (Energy and Water is Division E)
- List of amendments filed with Rules Committee (scroll down for Division E)
- Rules Committee hearing (video) (part 1and part 2)
- First special rule for consideration of H.R. 2740 (summary, resolution text, and report with full text of all amendments) (June 10, 2019)
- Second special rule for consideration of H.R. 2740 (summary, resolution text, and report with full text of all amendments) (June 11, 2019)
- Third special rule for consideration of H.R. 2740 (summary, resolution text, and report with full text of all amendments) (June 18, 2019)
- Statement of Administration Policy on H.R. 2740 (June 11, 2019)
- Congressional Record transcript of House debate on Division E of H.R. 2740 and amendments thereto (June 19, 2019)
- Engrossed text of H.R. 2740 as amended and passed by the House (June 19, 2019)
- Subscriber-only coverage from ETW:House Appropriators Boost FY20 Water Infrastructure Funding +$600m Over Last Year, Corps of Engineers Funding Moving as Part of First “Minibus” Appropriations Package, FY20 Corps of Engineers Funding Passes House,
Senate Bill
Homeland Security Appropriations Bill
House Bill
- House subcommittee hearing on the Coast Guard budget request (video) (March 26, 2019)
- House subcommittee hearing on the TSA budget request (video) (April 2, 2019)
- House subcommittee hearing on the overall DHS budget request (video) (April 30, 2019)
- Draft House bill text (June 4, 2019) (together with bill summary)
- House subcommittee markup (video) (June 5, 2019)
- Draft House committee report (June 10, 2019)
- OMB letter to the House Appropriations Committee on the bill (June 10, 2019)
- House full committee markup (video) (June 11, 2019)
- Text of amendments offered at full committee markup (June 11, 2019)
- Text of H.R. 3931 as reported to the House (July 24, 2019)
- Text of House Report 116-180 (July 24, 2019)
- Subscriber-only coverage from ETW: House FY20 Homeland Bill Approves Modest Increases in TSA, Coast Guard Operational Funding, House Appropriators Approve FY20 Homeland Funding,
Senate Bill
- Senate subcommittee hearing on the Coast Guard budget request (vide0) (March 28, 2019)
- Senate subcommittee hearing on the FEMA budget request (video) (April 3, 2019)
- Senate subcommittee hearing on the DHS budget request (video) (May 2, 2019)
- Senate subcommittee markup (audio) (September 24, 2019)
- Senate full committee markup (audio) (September 26, 2019)
- Text of S. 2582 as reported to the Senate (September 26, 2019)
- Text of Senate Report 116-126 (September 26, 2019)
- Letter from the Office of Management and Budget expressing concerns about certain provisions of the Senate bill (October 23, 2019)
- Subscriber-only coverage from ETW: Senate FY20 Homeland Funding Bill Cuts TSA Screeners, Coast Guard Procurement,
Transportation-HUD Appropriations Bill
House Bill
- Subcommittee hearing on passenger rail (video) March 12, 2019)
- Subcommittee hearing on the DOT budget request (vide0) (April 10, 2019)
- Draft House bill text (May 22, 2019) (together with bill summary)
- House subcommittee markup (video) (May 23, 2019)
- Draft House committee report (June 3, 2019)
- OMB letter to the House Appropriations Committee on the bill (June 3, 2019)
- House full committee markup (video) (June 4, 2019)
- Text of amendments offered at full committee markup (June 4, 2019)
- Roll call votes on amendments offered at full committee markup (June 4, 2019)
- Text of H.R. 3163 as reported to the House (June 6, 2019)
- Text of House Report 116-107 (June 6, 2019)
- House Rules Committee announcement of floor process for minibus package #2, H.R. 3055 (June 10, 2019)
- Text of Rules Committee Print 116-18 (Transportation-HUD is Division E)
- List of amendments filed with the Rules Committee (scroll down for Division E)
- Special rule for consideration of H.R. 3055 (summary, resolution text, and report with full text of all amendments) (June 18, 2019)
- Statement of Administration Policy on H.R. 3055 (June 18, 2019)
- Congressional Record transcript of House debate on Division E of H.R. 3055 (part 1, part 2) (June 24-25, 2019)
- Engrossed text of H.R. 3055 as amended and passed by the House.
- Subscriber-only coverage from ETW: House Subcommittee Approves FY20 Transportation-HUD Bill, House Appropriators OK FY20 USDOT Budget in Drama-Free Markup, FY20 Starts Slowly in House; Transportation-HUD Spending at Rules Next Week, Amendments Filed to FY20 Transportation Appropriations with the House Rules Committee, Rules Committee Allows 42 Amendments to FY20 DOT Budget, House to Debate FY20 USDOT Budget Monday, House Adopts Amendments to FY20 USDOT Budget,
Senate Bill
- Senate subcommittee hearing on the USDOT budget request (video) (March 27, 2019)
- Senate subcommittee hearing on FAA oversight (video) (July 31, 2019)
- Subcommittee markup of draft bill (audio) (September 17, 2019)
- Full committee markup of draft bill (audio) (September 19, 2019)
- Text of S. 2520 as reported to the Senate (September 19, 2019)
- Text of Senate Report 116-109 (September 19, 2019)
- Letter from the Office of Management and Budget expressing concerns about certain provisions of the Senate bill (October 23, 2019)
- Text of proposed Senate substitute amendment to “minibus” appropriations package (S. Amdt. #948 to H.R. 3055) (includes text of S. 2520, Transportation-HUD) (October 21, 2019)
- Text of amendments submitted to S. Amdt. #948 – submitted on Oct. 22, Oct. 23, Oct. 24, Oct. 28, Oct. 29, Oct. 30.
- Congressional Record transcript of Senate debate on H.R. 3055 – part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7.
- Subscriber-only coverage from ETW: USDOT’s FY20 Budget Approved in Senate Subcommittee, Senate Appropriators OK $86.6 Billion USDOT Funding Bill for FY20, Summary Tables, Senate May Consider FY20 Transportation-HUD Appropriations Next Week, Amendments Filed in the Senate to the FY 2020 USDOT Appropriations Act, Senate Debates FY20 DOT Appropriations: Highway Rescission Fix Offered, Senate Looks to Pass FY20 USDOT Appropriations Without Significant Amendment, Senate Passes FY20 Transportation Appropriations,
Continuing Appropriations
- Text of H.R. 4378 as introduced in the House (September 18, 2019)
- Congressional Budget Office score of the bill (September 18, 2019)
- Special rule for consideration of H.R. 4378 (September 19, 2019)
- Congressional Record transcript of House debate on H.R. 4378 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) and roll call vote on passage (September 19, 2019)
- Text of H.R. 4378 as signed into law by the President (September 27, 2019)
- OMB Bulletin 19-04 implementing the first CR (September 30, 2019)
- Subscriber-only coverage from ETW: Draft FY20 CR Fixes Transit Problems but Does Not Repeal 2020 Highway Rescission, House Passes 7 1/2 Week CR As Appropriations Start Slowly in Senate,
Final, Consolidated Appropriations
- Text of second consolidated bill (H.R. 1865) – Labor-HHS-Education, Agriculture and Rural Development, Energy and Water Development, Interior/Environment, Legislative Branch, Military Construction/Veterans, State/Foreign Operations, and Transportation-HUD acts, plus many other items.
- Joint explanatory statement to accompany H.R.. 1865.
- Congressional Budget Office cost estimate of second consolidated bill and of manager’s tax extender amendment.
- House floor debate on H.R. 1865
- Senate floor debate on H.R. 1865
- Enrolled version of H.R. 1865 presented to the President for signature.
- OMB “Seven-Day-After” scorekeeping report on H.R. 1865.
- Coverage from ETW: Congress Adjourns For Year After Passing $2.9T in Legislation, Final FY20 Bill Provides $87.2 Billion for USDOT, Water Infrastructure Programs Get $11 Billion in Final FY20 Appropriations Bills