White House Memos on 1966 DOT Act Conference Negotiations
White House memoranda relating to the House-Senate conference negotiations on the Department of Transportation Act of 1966.
White House memoranda relating to the House-Senate conference negotiations on the Department of Transportation Act of 1966.
Unanimous opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court delivered March 31, 1998 declaring that the Harbor Maintenance Tax is indeed a tax and not a user fee and is thus unconstitutional when applied to exports.
Summaries, links to final amendment text, and disposition of all amendments made in order to H.R. 5303, the Water Resources Development Act, during consideration on the House floor in September 2016. Current as of the…
This is a list of the changes made by the Inhofe-Boxer manager’s amendment (S. Amdt. #5042) to the amendment in the nature of a substitute (S. Amdt. #4979) to S. 2848, the Water Resources Development…
Intermodal Transportation: Moving Freight in a Global Economy responds to a need for a comprehensive textbook that offers an overview of the history and state of the art freight logistics and supply chain management.
Intermodal Transportation: Moving Freight in a Global Economy responds to a need for a comprehensive textbook that offers an overview of the history and state of the art freight logistics and supply chain management.
Letter to President Johnson dated February 18, 1966 from sixteen members of Congress (mostly senior members of the Appropriations and Public Works Committees) protesting new Army Corps of Engineers cost-benefit standards for water projects.
This is a document assembled Commerce Department staff on March 28, 1966 compiling a series of documents relating to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ evolving cost benefit standards for projects.
This PDF file is a series of White House memos from May-June 1966 relating to the Department of Transportation Act.
PDF file containing three memos relating to the Johnson Administration’s quest for more transportation user charges, from May 1966.
Delivering the Goods focuses on finding a funding source for expanding and improving the national freight program established by the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. While this was a crucial step forward, the United…
Inhofe-Boxer managers amendment to S. 2848, the Water Resources Development Act of 2016, adopted by voice vote in committee on April 27, 2016.
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