Tag Archive for: Governance

It’s time for Republicans to lead (again) on climate

“It’s time for new leaders to restore the tradition of environmental stewardship that is so central to Republican principles.”

1948 Report of the Hoover Commission Task Force on Transportation

This is the final report of the Task Force on Transportation of the first Hoover Commission, dated October 15, 1948.

Eno Releases an Updated Report on Automated Vehicle Policy

Washington, DC – Technology continues to alter how people and goods move. One innovation that has the greatest potential to upend traditional travel is the automation of driving. Automated vehicles (AVs) could completely transform mobility…

Transportation Weekly – October 4, 1999

This is a PDF of the first issue of Transportation Weekly (Volume 1, Issue 1), published October 4, 1999. 

FY20 Budget Request – Summary Tables

This PDF file contains nine summary tables relating to the Trump Administration’s fiscal year 2020 budget request for the U.S. Department of Transportation, released in full on March 18, 2019.

Shutdown disruptions fodder for supporters of ATC privatization

“The recent five-week partial government shutdown offered new fodder for those who support turning air traffic control (ATC) over to a nonprofit private entity.”