Shutdown disruptions fodder for supporters of ATC privatization
“The recent five-week partial government shutdown offered new fodder for those who support turning air traffic control (ATC) over to a nonprofit private entity.”
“The recent five-week partial government shutdown offered new fodder for those who support turning air traffic control (ATC) over to a nonprofit private entity.”
This document contains numerous summarizing the fiscal 2019 transportation conference agreement filed in the House as H.R. 658 on January 17, 2019.
This is an account-level table of all appropriations in the bill posted on the House Rules Committee website on January 17, 2019 consisting of the draft conference agreement reached on a bipartisan basis by House…
Updated January 4, 2021 Bill Latest House Action Latest Senate Action Final Action FY 2020-2021 Budget Agreement H.R. 3877 passed House 7/25/19 H.R. 3877 passed Senate 8/1/19 without amendment Public Law 116-37, 8/2/19 Third…
This document is a six-page PDF list of the fiscal 2018 BUILD grant recipients announced by USDOT on December 11, 2018 in alphabetical order (by state) with the project name, sponsor, grant amount, total project cost,…
This is a PDF file showing how much total grant money under the TIGER program (FY 2009-2016) and the BUILD grant program (FY 2017-2018) each state received. The first page shows total dollar amounts and…
This is a comparative print (known within Congress as a “Ramseyer Rule Print”) of S. 1855, the AV START Act. We took the text of S. 1855 as reported from the Senate Commerce, Science and…
This is a document prepared by the staff of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee summarizing the changes made in the December 3, 2018 revised discussion draft of S. 1885, the AV START Act.
This is the text of a revised “discussion draft” of S. 1885, the AV START Act, circulated by the staffs of Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee chairman John Thune (R-SD) and Sen. Gary Peters…
“The Implications of the Federal Ban on Chinese Railcars” concludes that until the federal government better understands the potential national security risks of using Chinese railcars in American transit systems, a one-year appropriations ban is…
This is a September 15, 1978 letter from various surface transportation stakeholder groups to all members of the US House of Representatives opposing an amendment to the highway bill to be offered by Budget Committee…
This is a “Dear Colleague” letter to House members sent by members of the Public Works and Transportation Committee on September 19, 1978 in opposition to an amendment by Budget chairman Bob Giamo (D-CT) that…
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