Transportation Weekly – October 4, 1999
This is a PDF of the first issue of Transportation Weekly (Volume 1, Issue 1), published October 4, 1999.
This is a PDF of the first issue of Transportation Weekly (Volume 1, Issue 1), published October 4, 1999.
This PDF file contains nine summary tables relating to the Trump Administration’s fiscal year 2020 budget request for the U.S. Department of Transportation, released in full on March 18, 2019.
Updated January 4, 2021 Bill Latest House Action Latest Senate Action Final Action FY 2020-2021 Budget Agreement H.R. 3877 passed House 7/25/19 H.R. 3877 passed Senate 8/1/19 without amendment Public Law 116-37, 8/2/19 Third…
This is a letter marked “CONFIDENTIAL” from Treasury Secretary Ogden L. Mills to Acting House Ways and Means chairman Charles L. Crisp dated February 16, 1932 recommending that Congress enact a new excise tax on…
This is the enrolled bill file prepared by the Bureau of the Budget on the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. The file contains a summary of the bill prepared by BoB and letters from all…
This is a PDF of the text of all of the amendments adopted by the U.S. Senate on the evening of July 31, 2018 as part of a bipartisan “manager’s package” of amendments to H.R….
This is an account-level table of funding provided by the draft House Transportation-HUD appropriations bill for fiscal year 2019 released to the public on May 15, 2018.
This document shows the account-level numbers in the Congressional Budget Office’s revised April 2018 spending baseline for budget function 400 (transportation) in terms of discretionary budget authority. This is the version that uses the enacted…
PDF file containing tabular data on the fiscal 2018 omnibus appropriations bill released on March 21, 2018.
This is an informal budget request sent to the Appropriations Committees by the White House on February 12, 2018 outlining the Administration’s request for $117.5 billion in increased discretionary appropriations for fiscal year 2018 made…
PDF table showing the budget request for the U.S. Department of Transportation for fiscal year 2019.
This table shows the original August 2011 Budget Control Act caps on discretionary appropriations and also shows every change made to those caps since then through the February 2018 budget deal.
Eno is an independent, non-partisan think-tank that shapes public debate on critical multimodal transportation issues and builds an innovative network of transportation professionals.
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