China On The March: Cybersecurity And Hidden Risks
An op-ed expressing concerns about transit agencies procuring Chinese-made rail cars cites an Eno report on the topic.
An op-ed expressing concerns about transit agencies procuring Chinese-made rail cars cites an Eno report on the topic.
This is a comparative print (known within Congress as a “Ramseyer Rule Print”) of S. 1855, the AV START Act. We took the text of S. 1855 as reported from the Senate Commerce, Science and…
This is a document prepared by the staff of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee summarizing the changes made in the December 3, 2018 revised discussion draft of S. 1885, the AV START Act.
This is the text of a revised “discussion draft” of S. 1885, the AV START Act, circulated by the staffs of Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee chairman John Thune (R-SD) and Sen. Gary Peters…
Revised version of the Shuster manager’s amendment to H.R. 4, the FAA reauthorization bill, filed with the House Rules Committee right at the start of their hearing on H.R. 4 at 5 p.m. on April…
Original version of the Shuster (R-PA) manager’s amendment to H.R. 4, the FAA reauthorization bill, as filed with the House Rules Committee on the late afternoon of April 23, 2018.
Text of H.R. 4, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018, as introduced in the House of Representatives on April 13, 2018 by Representatives, Shuster, DeFazio, LoBiondo and Larsen. The new bill is the text of…
Through a series of panel discussions, workshops, webinars, and consultation with Eno’s Digital Cities Advisory Board, Eno crafted a multifaceted set of recommendations that address the most pressing policy issues for AVs. If applied and…
This paper seeks to provide an overview of technology advances in transportation, focusing on those likely to have important implications for transportation policy.
Collins (R-ME) amendment #2812 in the nature of a substitute offered to H.R. 2577, the Transportation-Housing appropriations bill for FY 2016, on the Senate floor on November 18, 2015. Amendment #2812 is identical to the…
Authored by Daniel Fagnant, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Texas at Austin, and Kara M. Kockelman, an engineering professor at the University of Texas at Austin, this second annual William P. Eno Research…
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