First, LDC applicants must be nominated by their school, university and/or the college (entity within the university. Self-nominations will not be considered. Nomination and selection to the LDC Program is highly competitive, and class size is limited to promote a convening of the best and brightest students.
Eno will only accept up to two nominations from each college or university; however, those two must be from separate programs within the school. For example, a Civil Engineering student and a Law School student may both apply.
Nominees (the students) should be individuals who demonstrate leadership ability and the potential to assume a senior role in a transportation-related organization in the future. The students must be able to attend the entire conference scheduled for June 8 – 12. International students can apply for the conference as long as they are nominated by a United States college/university and are currently attending.
Nominators must be employed by the university or college and are typically student faculty advisors, heads of department, professors, deans, etc. Students are responsible for coordinating their nomination process according to the school’s internal protocol and approval process.
All required application materials must be posted to the Leaders Development Conference online application form.
Applicants must provide the following information:
- Online Application: Your completed online application forms including applicant information, nominator’s information, and completed scholarship application. Check out the questions and tips here.
- Statement of Interest: Please prepare a 750-1000-word essay. For reading ease, use 1.5 spacing, Arial 11-pt. font. This equates to about 2 pages. In the Statement, you’ll be asked to explain your interest in the program through three (3) different frames: your background, your current path, and how the program experience might contribute to your professional development and future career goals. We would like to know what you’re passionate about (your voice), your power plan (vision), and your path (support on the journey). As graduate students, you’ve spent considerable time and money getting clear on how you’d like to serve others through who you are and what you do. Share insights on who you truly are and your commitment to service through some aspect of transportation. Check out our tips from the 2024 Application Success Series email here.
- What’s your voice? What has shaped and motivated you to show up as you do?
- What is your vision for the future in transportation (through your own lens and magic)? Explain how your personal, academic, and work experience have informed your interest in the program. Go beyond the observable and the achievements.
- What’s the plan to get there? Explain why you wish to “be in the room” and among your peers at the LDC conference this year. How would the Program help you to manifest the vision?
- Updated Resume or CV (2-page limit): Job descriptions or equivalent documents are not acceptable resume submissions. Emphasis and ingenuity on substance rather than flair is recommended.
- Nomination Letter: A letter of recommendation (LOR) from the student’s faculty advisor is required. This should include an evaluation of the student’s qualifications and readiness for the transportation-related Conference. Please address academic accomplishments and leadership potential. Click here to check out our tips from the 2024 LDC Application Success Series (and sign up here to get on the list, if you haven’t already).
- Sponsorship Letter (Optional): If you have identified third-party individuals or entities that are interested in donating to support your learning experience, please include a signed letter, on official letterhead where applicable, indicating the financial pledge of support on the student’s behalf. Having a sponsor for your application or applying for a scholarship has no impact on the selection process, and ability to pay will not be factored into acceptance decisions. Please see Scholarships section.
The Program Selection Committee (“Committee”) will review all nominations and select the candidates for the 2024 Conference. In making the selections, the Committee will consider each applicant’s accomplishments and demonstrated leadership ability, academic program, intent to pursue a career in a transportation-related field and interest in national transportation issues. Overall, the selection process moves from applicants’ review, to selected candidates, then invitation to participate as an Eno LDC fellow, and lastly, acceptance of the invitation by the candidate. This process is time-sensitive and will require students to remain attuned and responsive to emails and communication from Eno, the school, sponsors, etc. Please adjust any spam filters to include Eno as a known contact.
All cancellations must be made in writing to an Eno staff member at least 30 days in advance of the start of the program. Program fees will not be refunded and your spot can’t be transferred. Should the event be canceled by force majeure, Eno is not responsible for any penalty incurred because of purchasing a non-refundable travel ticket or related travel/personal costs.
Applications can be completed by the student or the nominator. Applications must have all required fields and documents to be considered complete. If you have questions or issues with the online forms, contact
The application deadline for applications will be Friday, January 31, 2025.