Inside the Transportation Data Tug of War
It’s not necessarily that we need TNC data to regulate the TNCs. We need TNC data just like we need data on cyclists and we need data on private vehicle use and we need data…
It’s not necessarily that we need TNC data to regulate the TNCs. We need TNC data just like we need data on cyclists and we need data on private vehicle use and we need data…
Eno released a brief last year on the taxes and fees states levy on TNCs like Uber and Lyft.
A policy brief released by the Eno Center for Transportation last week addressed the issue of taxing transportation network companies (TNCs) like Lyft or Uber.
Today, seven cities and 12 states have some type of fee or tax on TNC trips. As more states and cities consider taxes on TNC services, policymakers should be cautious and thoughtful about how their…
In the United States, public transportation agencies are experimenting with on-demand, shared, and dynamic models to augment traditional fixed-route bus and train services. These services—referred to as microtransit— are enabled by technology similar to the…
Eno is an independent, non-partisan think-tank that shapes public debate on critical multimodal transportation issues and builds an innovative network of transportation professionals.
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