John Blazey is Vice President of Commercial Aviation and Transportation (Legislative Branch Government Operations). He assumed his position after retiring from a 25-‐year career in Federal government service.
In his current position, Blazey is responsible for overseeing commercial aviation and transportation legislative authorization and appropriations advocacy, including operational, safety, certification, NextGen, airline and aviation security issues, and export credit financing. Blazey and his team work to secure legislative support for Boeing’s commercial airplane business activities and programs from the Congress. In addition, his team and he are responsible for similar advocacy before the Department of Transportation, including the FAA, and before the National Transportation Safety Board.
During his 25-‐year government career, Blazey spent nearly 20 years on the staff of the House Appropriations Committee, occupying numerous positions during his tenure. Most recently he served as Staff Director/Clerk of the House Commerce, Justice and Related Agencies Subcommittee. He also served as the Staff Director/ Clerk of the House Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee. In addition, he worked on the Defense; Energy and Water Development; Foreign Operations; Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Subcommittees. In addition, he served as Deputy Staff Director of the House Appropriations Committee and as its parliamentarian.
Blazey began his federal career in 1985 as a budget analyst with the Office of Planning, Budget and Evaluation at the Department of Education. In 1988, he became a budget examiner at the Office of Management and Budget, after which he worked with the Senate Budget Committee, where he served until moving to the House.
Blazey holds a Bachelors of Sciences in Education (summa cum laude) from St. Bonaventure University in New York. He resides in Washington, D.C.