Governance is at the core of any transportation issue. Public, private, and nonprofit actors are the machinery that enables the economy to function, compete effectively for employers and labor, and foster innovation. The ability of agencies to respond to changing and expanding demands varies across the country as is shaped to a large extent by a range of different institutional and organizational structures. Governance determines who makes decisions about capital and operating plans and sets out a process for how those decisions are made. Each structure has its own implications for funding, equitable and effective service patterns, and economic growth.
June 13, 2023 - Earlier this week, Eno staff attended the White House launch of a new federal agency designed... 06:44:542023-06-20 05:54:45Advanced Research Initiative Launched at USDOT
June 9, 2023 - Yesterday, the Department of Transportation announced a new management team to take over the Federal Aviation... 13:48:452023-06-27 13:46:13FAA Under New Management (Temporarily): Trottenberg, Thomson, Washington
This document shows the changes made in NEPA by the bipartisan debt limit bill and how those changes differ from... 08:35:192023-07-17 04:21:35Text of Debt Limit Bill NEPA Changes, Compared to Original GOP Bill
May 26, 2023 - The U.S. Government Accountability Office released a new study this week entitled Travel and Tourism: DOT... 06:56:172023-06-19 11:17:37GAO Recommends DOT Gather More Tourism Data
May 26, 2023 - Senator Tom Carper (D-DE), the chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, announced this... 05:26:182023-06-19 11:12:46EPW Chairman Carper to Retire; Path Clear for Whitehouse to Take Top Dem Spot
May 19, 2023 - It looks more likely than not that some kind of permitting reform for construction projects will... 15:45:232023-06-19 10:50:08Talk of Permitting Reform in Debt Ceiling Package Grows More Serious
May 12, 2023 - The House Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation held a hearing on May 11 to... 14:38:092023-06-19 09:57:54Short Leave: House Committee Addresses Recruitment and Retention in USCG
In February 2019 the Eno Center for Transportation (Eno) and the Reason Foundation (Reason) convened a three-day workshop (the Workshop) at the Pocantico Conference Center of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) near Tarrytown, New York. Supported by RBF, with additional funding from Smith…
Voters increasingly play a critical role in shaping communities from coast-to-coast by casting their votes on investments and other decisions about transportation. The Eno Center for Transportation tracks and analyzes transportation ballot measures across the country.