This page has five parts, in order via scrolling below:
- The President’s Budget Submission
- The Congressional Budget Resolution
- House Appropriations Action
- Senate Appropriations Action
- Final Appropriations Action
The President’s Budget Submission
Documents from the White House’s Office of Management and Budget
Budget Overviews for Selected Departments
Budget Justifications for Individual DOT Modal Administrations and Other Agencies
Congressional Re-Scoring of the President’s Budget
The Congressional Budget Resolution
Congressional Budget Office Documents
House Budget Resolution
(The Senate Budget Committee never considered a FY 2017 budget resolution.)
House Appropriations Action
Budget allocations to subcommittees
- The House did not pass a budget so the Appropriations Committee did not file formal subcommittee allocations with the House. This table shows the totals of the twelve FY17 bills produced by the House committee, compared to the Senate bills and the President’s request. (Eno members and ETW subscribers only.)
Energy and Water Development Appropriations
Homeland Security Appropriations
Transportation-Housing Appropriations
- Video of the subcommittee hearing on the FY17 DOT budget request with Sec. Foxx on February 24, 2016.
- Video of the subcommittee hearing on the FY17 FAA budget request on March 2, 2016.
- Video of the subcommittee markup session on May 18, 2016.
- Text of draft FY 2017 Transportation-Housing appropriations bill as approved in subcommittee on May 18, 2016.
- ETW coverage of the subcommittee bill. (Eno members and ETW subscribers only.)
- Tables summarizing the subcommittee bill. (Eno members and ETW subscribers only.)
- Chart showing the 10-year trend of the five major USDOT programs receiving discretionary appropriations.
- Text of draft FY 2017 Transportation-HUD appropriations bill presented to the full committee for markup.
- Text of the draft committee report to accompany the bill presented to the full committee for markup.
- Video of the full committee markup session on May 24, 2016.
- Manager’s amendment to the bill adopted in the May 24, 2016 Appropriations Committee markup.
- ETW coverage of the House full committee markup. (Eno members and ETW subscribers only.)
- Bill text of H.R. 5394, the FY 2017 Transportation-Housing appropriations bill as reported from committee on June 7, 2016.
- Report of the Appropriations Committee to accompany H.R. 5394 (H. Rept. 114-606), filed on June 7, 2016.
Senate Appropriations Action
Budget allocations to subcommittees
Energy and Water Development Appropriations
Homeland Security Appropriations
Transportation-Housing Appropriations
- Video of the subcommittee hearing on the FY17 USDOT budget request with Sec. Foxx on March 16, 2016.
- Audio recording of the subcommittee markup of the draft THUD bill on April 19, 2016.
- Press release from the Senate Appropriations Committee describing the draft bill marked up in subcommittee on April 19, 2016.
- ETW coverage of the April 19 subcommittee markup. (ETW subscribers and Eno members only.)
- Audio recording of the full committee markup of the draft THUD bill on April 21, 2016.
- Bill text of S. 2844, Transportation and Housing Appropriations Act as reported to the Senate on April 21, 2016 and placed on the calendar.
- Report of the Senate Appropriations Committee to accompany the Transportation-HUD bill (S. Rept. 114-243)
- ETW coverage of the April 21 full committee markup and the bill itself. (ETW subscribers and Eno members only.)
- Tables showing account-level USDOT funding information, a FAA funding breakdown, and other useful data in the Senate bill. (ETW subscribers and Eno members only.)
- Text of Collins substitute amendment #3896 to H.R. 2577 (text of Transportation-HUD and Military Construction/VA appropriations bills for FY 2017, with page and line numbers to which subsequent amendments must be drafted).
- White House Statement of Administration Policy on the Senate’s combined THUD-MilCon/VA appropriations bill.
- ETW coverage of the SAP. (ETW subscribers and Eno members only.)
- List of amendments filed to FY 2017 Transportation-HUD appropriations on the Senate floor. (Eno members and ETW subscribers only.)
- Transcript of Senate floor debate on H.R. 2577 – May 12, May 16, May 17, May 18, May 19.
- ETW coverage of the Senate floor debate and summary of transportation-related amendments. (ETW subscribers and Eno members only.)
- Text of H.R. 2577 (FY 2016 House-passed Transportation-HUD appropriations) as amended and passed by the Senate (Senate-passed Transportation-HUD language begins on page 164 of the PDF file).
Final Appropriations Action
Continuing Appropriations
Omnibus Appropriations
- Legislative text of H.R. 244, omnibus FY 2017 appropriations (enrolled bill as signed into law)
- Explanatory statement for Divisions A through G of H.R. 244 (Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-Science, Defense, Energy and Water, Financial Services, Homeland Security, Interior and Environment)
- Explanatory statement for Divisions H through L of H.R. 244 (Labor-HHS-Education, Legislative Branch, State/Foreign Operations, Transportation-HUD, Additional Military Construction/Veterans)
- Congressional Budget Office score of H.R. 244. (May 1, 2017)
- White House Statement of Administration Policy on H.R. 244. (May 3, 2017)
- Presidential signing statement on H.R. 244 (May 5, 2017)
- ETW coverage of the omnibus – bill-wide overview, Department of Transportation, and other transportation/infrastructure. (ETW subscribers and Eno members only.)