This is the White House Executive Clerk’s enrolled bill file on S. 1855 of the 84th Congress, a bill which reauthorized the federal airport grant program for four years and which also switched the program from being dependent on annual appropriations to being a recipient of contract authority provided years in advance of obligation.

The file contains the views of various federal agencies, as well as those of the Bureau of the Budget, which had earlier advocated a veto of the bill because of the contract authority issue but which, in the end, supported enactment. President Eisenhower signed the bill into law on August 3, 1955 (69 Stat. 441).


White House Office: Record Officer Reports to the President on Pending Legislation, 1953-61, Box 57, folder entitled “Appr. 8/3/55 To amend FED. AIRPORT Act, as amended. S. 1855,” Eisenhower Library.