If California Can’t Make High Speed Rail Work, Can Anyone?
The Green New Deal faces some major infrastructure challenges.
The Green New Deal faces some major infrastructure challenges.
Letter sent from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey on June 29, 2018 to the Federal Transit Administration providing a status update on the Hudson River Tunnel project and accepting sponsorship of…
Letter from New Jersey Transit to the Federal Transit Administration dated June 29, 2018, transmitting a revised financial plan for the Portal North Bridge as part of the Capital Investment Grant application process.
Letter dated November 13, 2015 from Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx to the House and Senate conferees on the surface transportation reauthorization bill (H.R. 22, the DRIVE Act) expressing the views of the Obama Administration on…
Section-by-section summary of H.R. 3763, the STRR Act, as introduced in the House on October 20 – prepared by the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee staff.
Undated section-by-section summary of a draft surface transportation reauthorization bill produced by the Department of Transportation but never released to the public.
Undated draft legislation from late in 2010 produced by USDOT and intended to serve as the Administration’s surface transportation reauthorization proposal. This language was never cleared by OMB and therefore never released to the public,…
Package of amendments offered en bloc and accepted in the June 24, 2015 Senate Environment and Public Works Committee’s markup of S. 1647, the DRIVE Act.
Inhofe-Boxer-Carper-Vitter manager’s amendment to S. 1647, the DRIVE Act, offered in the Environment and Public Works Committee markup of the bill on June 24, 2015 and adopted by voice vote.
Letter from Secretary Mineta to House and Senate conferees on the SAFETEA surface transportation reauthorization bill defining the parameters of what kind of final bill the President would accept.
Text of Public Law 112-141, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, or MAP-21.
Text of Public Law 109-58, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), enacted in 2005.
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