Transportation Weekly – October 4, 1999
This is a PDF of the first issue of Transportation Weekly (Volume 1, Issue 1), published October 4, 1999.
This is a PDF of the first issue of Transportation Weekly (Volume 1, Issue 1), published October 4, 1999.
Letter from New Jersey Transit to the Federal Transit Administration dated June 29, 2018, transmitting a revised financial plan for the Portal North Bridge as part of the Capital Investment Grant application process.
This table shows how much “spendable” highway funding states will receive in fiscal year 2018.
This document shows the step-by-step distribution of the fiscal 2018 obligation limitation on the federal-aid highways program – how it starts out at $44.234 billion, and all of the set-asides that result in only $36.4…
This is the original presentation Amtrak used in February 2011 when announcing plans for the Gateway Program,
This is House Document 95-284, President Carter’s message to Congress of January 26, 1978 transmitting his proposed highway and mass transit reauthorization bill.
Letter dated June 30, 2017 from the Acting General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Transportation to the Gateway Development Corporation notifying the Corporation that USDOT is permanently withdrawing from its Board of Trustees.
FAQ document released by the U.S. Department of Transportation on June 28, 2017 describing the new INFRA surface transportation grant program (formally known as the FASTLANE program).
Large (25 MB) PDF file containing a brief narrative of the 1987 highway bill veto fight along with 321 pages of original documents detailing the behind-the-scenes debates and compromises, taken from the Reagan Library and…
Draft Reorganization Plan from the Truman Administration creating a Federal Transportation Agency to include all functions currently exercised by the Public Roads Administration, the Coast Guard, the Civil Aeronautics Administration, the Civil Aeronautics Board, the…
(Anyone wanting a complete history of ISTEA would be well advised to read this article by Richard Weingroff from Public Roads magazine in 2001.) The Administration Proposal The 1990 National Transportation Policy (“Moving America: New…
Volume 1 of the George H.W. Bush Administration’s National Transportation Policy process, this July 1989 report from the U.S. Department of Transportation “is an overview of our current situation, a snapshot of the current transportation…
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