Tag Archive for: Amtrak

Railpax Final Route Announcement Press Kit

This PDF file contains the text of prepared remarks from National Railroad Passenger Corporation chairman David Kendall and a press kit describing the route system to be served by the railroad, both of which are…

Railpax Route Briefing for Congress

These are talking points and call assignments given to members of the National Railroad Passenger Corporations’s Board of Incorporators in preparation for telephone calls the incorporators were to make to members of Congress on March…

Railpax Recommended Routes – March 1971

This large PDF file is of a 273-page 3-ring binder presented to the Board of Incorporators of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation by their McKinsey and Co. consultant team in March 1971 so that the…

1970 McKinsey Proposal for Railpax Organization

This is a PDF of a December 29, 1970 report from consulting firm McKinsey & Co. to the Board of Incorporators of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation on how to organize the new railroad. The…

Minutes of Meetings of Railpax Board of Incorporators

This large PDF file is the bound 190-page compilation of the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Incorporators of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, held from December 22, 1970 to March 30, 1971. 

White House “Railpax” Memos, January-March 1970

This PDF file contains a series of internal White House memos, and correspondence between the Department of Transportation and the White House, from January-March 1970 on the subject of DOT’s “Railpax” proposal that would, later…