Service contracting is a tool that public transit agencies can use to deliver transit services for riders. Contracting is widely employed in the United States; nearly two-thirds of transit agencies already contract all or part of their operations. When contracting is implemented effectively and strategically, it can yield service improvements that benefit the riding public and, in some cases, lower costs. It can enable governance overhauls whose impacts may go far beyond increased service reliability by creating more adaptable, sustainable public institutions.
Transit agencies are facing unprecedented challenges including lower ridership, declining revenues, higher costs, intense competition, and workforce management issues. In response, transit agencies are exploring new and innovative ways to engage with private partners to address these challenges.
This webinar will feature public and private stakeholders to discuss success factors for transit service contracting, given the current context. To read more on this topic, see Eno’s recent paper on Success Factors in Private Contracting for Public Transportation.