This is a PDF document containing the following tables relating to the fiscal year 2017 TIGER grants released by the U.S. Department of Transportation on March 9, 2018:
- FY17 TIGER grants in alphabetical order by state (with location, project name, grant size, total project cost, DOT technical team rating, and BCA number).
- FY17 TIGER grants ordered by Census region and division, with total amounts for each region and division.
- FY17 TIGER grants ordered by mode of transportation.
- FY17 TIGER grants separated into urban and rural projects.
- FY17 TIGER grants ordered by grant size (descending).
- FY17 TIGER trans ordered by TIGER share of total project cost (descending).
- Cumulative dollar amounts for each state for all TIGER grants, FY 2009 through 2017 inclusive.
- State shares of total TIGER program funding in each of FYs 2009 through 2017, cumulative 2009-2017, and compared to state shares of U.S. population, U.S. GDP, total federal grants to all states, and federal-aid highway funding.