PDF document containing six tables related to the FY 2017 Transportation-HUD appropriations bill approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee on April 21, 2016:
- A table showing every budget account proposed for the U.S. Department of Transportation.
- A table comparing appropriations in the bill to the authorization levels under the FAST Act.
- A table showing the Federal Aviation Administration budget under the bill down to the program-project-activity level.
- A table showing how the authors of the bill were able to fit the bill’s gross spending under the bill’s “302(b)” budget allocation of $56.5 billion.
- A table showing funding allocations under the bill for individual mass transit Capital Investment Grant projects (where known).(Corrected April 21 9:45 a.m.)
- A table listing all the major general provisions in the FY 2017 Senate bill and indicating whether or not those provisions were present in the FY 2016 Act or the President’s FY 2017 budget request.