This page refers to the FY 2016 budget cycle. For information on the FY 2017 budget cycle (the budget submitted by President Obama on February 9, 2016), go here.
The information is organized into five areas, roughly chronologically:
– The President’s budget request
– The Congressional budget resolution
– House appropriations action
– Senate appropriations action
– Final appropriations action
* Indicates Recent Additions
White House Office of Management and Budget Documents
Agency Short Summaries
Agency Detailed Justifications
ETW coverage of the President’s budget submission (subscribers only).
Congressional Budget Office Documents
House Budget Resolution
Senate Budget Resolution
Final Budget Resolution Conference Agreement
Subdivision of Total Appropriations by Subcommittee
Transportation-HUD Bill
Homeland Security Bill
Energy and Water Development Bill
Subdivision of Total Appropriations by Subcommittee
Transportation-HUD Bill
Homeland Security Bill
Energy and Water Development Bill
Continuing appropriations resolution to December 11, 2015 (Public Law 114-53)
Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (increasing the statutory Budget Control Act caps on FY 2016 appropriations)
Continuing appropriations resolution to December 16, 2015 (signed into law on December 11).
Continuing appropriations resolution to December 22, 2015 (signed into law on December 16).
Consolidated Appropriations Act, FY 2016 (omnibus appropriations package)
- Legislative text of the proposed Consolidated Appropriations Act as posted on the House document website at 1:34 a.m. on December 15, 2015.
- Explanatory statement for Divisions A through E, including Division D (Energy and Water Development) – searchable version as printed in the Congressional Record.
- Explanatory statement for Divisions F (Homeland Security) through L (Transportation-HUD) – searchable version as printed in the Congressional Record.
- One-page summary table of the entire omnibus appropriations package.
- Department of Transportation account-level table. (Eno members and ETW subscribers only.)
- Comparison table of omnibus appropriations levels vs. FAST Act authorizations. (Eno members and ETW subscribers only.)
- Transportation-HUD bill table showing total subcommittee budget breakdown. (Eno members and ETW subscribers only.)
- Federal Aviation Administration funding table showing FAA accounts broken down by program, project and activity. (Eno members and ETW subscribers only.)
- Federal Transit Administration new starts funding table. (Eno members and ETW subscribers only.)
- List of general provisions pertaining to USDOT in the omnibus bill. (Eno members and ETW subscribers only.)
- Table of TSA, Coast Guard and FEMA security grant funding in the omnibus bill. (Eno members and ETW subscribers only.)
- White House Statement of Administration Policy on the omnibus appropriations legislation.
- Congressional Budget Office score of the omnibus appropriations legislation.
- Special rule from the House Rules Committee for House floor consideration of the omnibus appropriations legislation (H. Res. 566).
- House floor debate on the omnibus package – part 1, part 2, and roll call vote.
- Senate floor debate on the omnibus package – part 1 and part 2.
- Text of H.R. 2029 as enrolled, presented to the President, and signed into law on December 18, 2015 as Public Law 114-113.
- December 30, 2015 White House Office of Management and Budget report to Congress on the budget scoring of the omnibus appropriations act, with subcommittee-by-subcommittee comparisons to the Congressional Budget Office’s score.