This information is arranged into five roughly chronological areas:

– Congressional hearings on MAP-21 reauthorization.

– The Administration’s GROW AMERICA proposal.

– The Senate’s DRIVE Act.

– The House’s STRR Act.

– The conference agreement (the FAST Act).

Congressional hearings on MAP-21 reauthorization.

The Administration’s GROW AMERICA proposal.

Eno Transportation Weekly news coverage of the GROW AMERICA proposal (ETW subscribers and Eno members only):

The Senate’s DRIVE Act

S. 1647 (highway titles of the DRIVE Act – EPW Committee)

S. 1732 (safety and rail titles of the DRIVE Act – Commerce Committee)

H.R. 22, the DRIVE Act (all titles of the bill, including Banking and Finance that were not marked up in committee).

The House’s STRR Act

H.R. 3763, the STRR Act – House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee consideration

Provisions from other House committees

  • Text of the discussion draft of the Energy and Commerce Committee’s reauthorization of NHTSA vehicle safety programs.
  • Text of the committee print of the Science Committee’s proposed research provisions of a surface transportation bill within its jurisdiction (as approved in subcommittee on September 10, 2015).

House Floor consideration of the STRR/DRIVE Act

Conference Negotiations and Agreement – the FAST Act


Everything that has happened related to the FAST Act since the moment it was signed into law on December 4, 2015 – notices of actual funding apportionments, announcements of how to apply for grant programs, new regulations required by the law, and other announcements – is now on our FAST Act Reference Page.