May 16-20 is Infrastructure Week a national week of events; media coverage; and education and advocacy efforts to elevate infrastructure as a critical issue impacting the nation.
This year, the Eno Center for Transportation is participating in and/or hosting a number of events during this week. Mark your calendars and RSVP to these events:
1. Infrastructure Week Kick-Off Event – Looking Back and Looking to the Future: Perspectives from Former Transportation Secretaries from the 80’s through Today
WHEN: 10:15am – 11:00am, Monday, May 16
WHERE: U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Hall of Flags
Moderated by Robert Puentes, President and CEO, Eno Center for Transportation
- The Honorable James Burnley, IV, Former USDOT Secretary
- The Honorable Ray LaHood, Former USDOT Secretary
- The Honorable Mary Peters, Former USDOT Secretary
- The Honorable Rodney Slater, Former USDOT Secretary
This panel is part of the Infrastructure Week Opening Session.
WHEN: 2:45pm – 5:00pm, Monday, May 16
WHERE: House T&I Committee Hearing Room, Rayburn House Office Building
Co-hosted by AASHTO
3. Eno Freight Working Group Paper Release
WHEN: 1:45pm – 4:00pm, Thursday, May 19
WHERE: Capitol Hill (Room TBD)
The full Infrastructure Week Calendar can be found here.