Public transportation is a critical part of the economic and social fabric of metropolitan areas. While most of the nation’s 2,400 transit providers serve rural areas, almost all transit trips occur in the nation’s 100 largest metro areas, which account for over 95 percent of all transit passenger miles traveled. Transit is also changing as agencies are exploring ways to redesign their networks, integration new mobility services, and ask voters to approve new investments at the ballot box.
BY ERIC PETERSON Transportation Consultant During the 1919 transcontinental convoy, west of Grand Island, Nebraska, soldiers use a winch to... Templeton Templeton2014-10-25 15:44:372023-06-28 07:12:32Devolving Surface Transportation Infrastructure Responsibilities to the States: What’s Past is Prologue
BY TOM McNAMARA Transportation Consultant, and former UDOT policy staff, OST Good highway policy is difficult to achieve. Nonetheless, it... Templeton Templeton2014-10-25 15:40:062023-04-14 14:44:44RAISE USER FEES: The Road to Good Highway Policy
BY STEVE LOCKWOOD Senior Vice President, Parsons Brinckerhoff A New Context for the FAHP? In the absence of Congressional action,... Templeton Templeton2014-10-25 15:36:152023-04-14 14:44:46Federal funding for highways is stagnant and the Federal Aid Highway Program (FAHP) appears to be “shrinking by default.” Transportation infrastructure is not a top 10 public polling issue. Highway conditions have improved and there is little “inside the beltway” dialogue on transportation infrastructure. Meanwhile, popular discussion of mobility is more focused on new vehicle technology than on highway infrastructure.
Tomorrow Eno will release a new study looking at regional transit governance (Getting to the Route of It: The Role... Price Price2014-10-25 15:17:512023-04-14 14:56:49The Case of the Neglected Transit Bus
Congress has been able to accomplish very little this year, but one thing they agreed they needed to do was... Price Price2014-09-25 15:09:452023-04-14 14:56:53Improving Transportation Performance: Time to Focus on Operations
BY STEVEN R. DITMEYER Adjunct Professor of Railway Management, Michigan State University An old adage says the railroad industry is... Templeton Templeton2014-07-25 14:30:232023-04-14 14:58:39Crude Oil by Rail: The Industry is Changing
BY LESLIE BLAKEY President & Executive Director, Coalition for America's Gateways & Trade Corridors Infrastructure was at the heart of... Templeton Templeton2014-07-25 14:05:202023-04-14 14:58:42Infrastructure in the United States: The Dangers of Living Below Our Means
BY BILL ANKNER Principal, Transportation Solutions President Obama’s shout out for 3D printing in his 2012 State of the Union[1]... Templeton Templeton2014-06-25 13:46:322023-04-14 14:58:443D Printers: Changing Transportation As We Know It
Last week we saw the first Administration-authored, publicly released surface transportation bill since 2003. In examining the arc of national... Price Price2014-05-25 12:55:572023-04-19 14:56:37The Road From SAFETEA-LU to GROW AMERICA
Let’s just say that Congress has been having this debate for a really long time. The first law providing federal... Davis Davis2014-05-06 12:33:052023-06-28 07:12:02Federal Prohibitions on Toll Roads, How They Got There, and How the GROW AMERICA Act Proposes to Change Them
BY RICHARD HARRIS Solution Director, Xerox Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) refers to a wide range of services that use information... Templeton Templeton2014-04-24 19:54:112023-04-14 15:05:57Improving Transportation = Better Quality of Life for City Dwellers
There is tremendous excitement in the transportation world about the idea of self-driving vehicles, also known as autonomous vehicles (AVs).... Price Price2014-04-24 19:48:232023-04-14 15:05:58Transportation and Technological Change: The Case of Autonomous Vehicles
Eno’s Transit Cost & Project Delivery Research
Eno is undertaking a research, policy, and communications project to analyze current and historical trends in transit project delivery