With Congress scrambling to address unprecedented unemployment and an economy in free-fall, negotiations over stimulus packages present new possibilities for one of the Trump administration’s long-promised priorities: infrastructure. In this webinar, we will explore new and innovative policy approaches that will generate more value from existing U.S. infrastructure, including asset recycling and public-private partnerships. We will also discuss the role of infrastructure in economic stimulus, as well impact such proposals can be expected to have for the United States economy and workforce.
Rick Geddes, Ph.D., Professor of Policy Analysis and Management, Founding Director of the Cornell Program in Infrastructure Policy
Emil Frankel, Senior Fellow, Eno Center for Transportation
Rick Geddes is a professor of policy analysis and management at Cornell University and founding director of the Cornell Program in Infrastructure Policy (CPIP). He researches the funding and operation of heavy civil and social infrastructure, with a focus on the adoption of new technologies. His research has examined network-wide road pricing, infrastructure resilience, and innovative infrastructure financing via public-private partnerships. He is also a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), and a research fellow with the Mineta Transportation Institute at San Jose State University.