Essential transportation technologies, such as connected vehicles, tolling payment systems, back office systems, and road side units, need to be secure. But cybersecurity has often been an afterthought, ensuring that systems are vulnerable. A growing gap between security and reliance on the Internet of Things, exemplified and magnified within transportation, is part of a dangerous trend transportation officials will continue to combat at ever increasing complexity. BlackBerry is particularly aware of this threat as their technology is embedded in 150 million automobiles worldwide. This webinar will discuss strategies for protecting systems, creating a culture of security, and providing some understanding of the technologies and techniques used to battle cyber threats.
Charles Eagan, Chief Technology Officer, Blackberry
Paul Lewis, Vice President of Policy and Finance, Eno Center for Transportation
Appointed in June 2018, Charles Eagan is the Chief Technology Officer for BlackBerry. In this role, Charles is responsible for the advancement of new technologies, driving innovation within emerging markets and advancing security capabilities that leverage AI and Machine Learning. He is also responsible for technology partnerships and overseeing the standardization and integration of all company products with an emphasis on helping drive BlackBerry’s Internet of Things platform.
Charles was previously the Global Head of Electronics at Dyson Ltd (U.K.), focused on IoT device deployment. Prior to that he served as BlackBerry’s Global Head of Device Software, and spearheaded development of the BlackBerry 10 operating system and the transition to secure Android.
Charles was formerly Vice President of Engineering for QNX Software, where he concentrated on the automotive and embedded markets. He also worked at Cisco and directed development of the seminal CRS-1 carrier routing system.
In 2008, Charles co-founded Crank Software, a company dedicated to the development of embedded tools and technologies that enabled rapid building of highly functional graphical interfaces. Earlier in his career, he built connected devices for Honda in the areas of process control, factory automation and robotics.
Charles is a noted speaker, thought leader and IoT expert who has been at the forefront of new frontiers in digital connectivity for over three decades. He graduated with honors from the University of Waterloo (Canada) with a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics and electrical engineering minor.