Alexander Laska
Charleston, SC – The Eno Center for Transportation will hold its 17th Annual Policy Forum on Wednesday, November 12, 2014, in Charleston, SC. The daylong event will focus on Transportation Resilience: Planning for and Avoiding Disasters and will feature Peter Rogoff, Under Secretary for Policy with the U.S. Department of Transportation, as the keynote speaker. Discussion topics will include: Resiliency in Infrastructure; Resiliency Operations in Surface Transportation; Resiliency Operations in the U.S. Aviation System; and Planning and Implementing Resiliency Solutions. Reporters not able to attend can watch the event live on Eno’s YouTube channel.
Featured Speakers
Leslie Blakey, Coalition for America’s Gateways & Trade Corridors
Rob Britton, Airlearn
Sean Cassidy, Air Line Pilots Association, International
Anne Choate, ICF International
Dan Elwell, Airlines for America
Michael Flood, Parsons Brinckerhoff
Gen Giuliano, University of Southern California
Christy Hall, South Carolina Deputy Secretary for Engineering at the Department of Transportation
Erik Hansen, U.S. Travel Association
Cole Hedden, L-3 Communications, Inc.
Darcy Immerman, AECOM
James Metzger, Amtrak
Michael Meyer, Parsons Brinkerhoff
Janet Oakley, South Carolina Secretary of Transportation
Brian Pallasch, American Society of Civil Engineers
Mary Peters, Former U.S. Secretary of Transportation
David Plavin, dzpConsult, Inc.
Peter Rogoff, USDOT Undersecretary for Policy
Steve Van Beek, ICF International
Event: Transportation Resilience: Planning for and Avoiding Disasters
Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Time: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Venue: Charleston Marriott
Address: 170 Lockwood Boulevard, Charleston, SC 29403