This is a two-page PDF file, containing two tables.
The first table shows how much money each state raised in dedicated tax revenues for highways in 2018, per FHWA Table SF-1, and how much those revenues for each state represented as shares of the $108.7 billion national total. It then shows how much money each state would receive if you apportioned $49.95 billion in funding to states in those shares (each state would get 46 percent of its FY 2018 dedicated non-federal tax revenues under that scenario). Then the table shows how much money each state would get if you apportioned $49.95 billion by the federal-aid highway funding formula (FY 2020 apportionment totals per Table 1 of FHWA Notice 4510.837). This table is alphabetized by state.
The second table shows each state’s FY 2018 revenues and each state’s share of $49.95 billion, if apportioned via the federal-aid highway funding formula, and ranks them by the ratio of the hypothetical funding apportionment to the actual revenues (states where the funding to be received actually exceeds the actual revenues being replaced are at the top of the table, while states where the funding to be received is far less than the actual revenues being replaced are at the bottom of the table.