White House Announces Deputy SecDOT Rosen to Go to Justice Department

February 20, 2019

As expected, the White House last night formally announced that President Trump intends to nominate Deputy Secretary of Transportation Jeffrey Rosen to be Deputy Attorney General, succeeding Rod Rosenstein.

Rosen previously served as DOT General Counsel under the George W. Bush Administration.

There is no word yet on who will get picked to replace Rosen. The original slate of senior appointees to serve in “PAS” (Presidential Appointee with Senate confirmation) jobs at USDOT were what appeared to be an interesting mix of choices made by Secretary Chao (with assent from the White House personnel office) and choices made by the White House with Sec. Chao’s assent.

According to the USDOT regulations in title 49 CFR, here are the responsibilities of the Deputy Secretary:

§1.22   Deputy Secretary.

Along with the Secretary, the Deputy Secretary exercises oversight of all of the OST components, as well as each of the Operating Administrations, and overall planning, direction, and control of the Department’s agenda. The Deputy Secretary:

(a) May exercise the authority of the Secretary, except where specifically limited by law, order, regulation, or instructions of the Secretary;

(b) Serves as the Chief Operating Officer; and

(c) Serves as the Chief Acquisition Officer.

§1.23   Delegations to the Deputy Secretary.

The Deputy Secretary may exercise the authority of the Secretary, except where specifically limited by law, order, regulations, or instructions of the Secretary. In addition, the Deputy Secretary is delegated authority to:

(a) Exercise executive control over Departmental Budgeting and Program Evaluation.

(b) Serve as Chairman of the Departmental Executive Resources Board and its Executive Committee.

(c) Serve as the Chair of the Department’s Safety Council.

(d) Serve as the Chair of the Department’s Credit Council.

(e) Approve the establishment, modification, extension, or termination of:

(1) Department-wide (intra-department) committees affecting more than one program.

(2) OST-sponsored interagency committees.

(f) Approve the designation of:

(1) Departmental representatives and the chairman for interagency committees sponsored by the Office of the Secretary.

(2) Departmental members for international committees.

(g) Serve as the representative of the Secretary on the board of directors of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation and carry out the functions vested in the Secretary as a member of the board by 49 U.S.C. 24302.

(h) Approve the initiation of regulatory action, as defined in Executive Order 12866, by Secretarial offices and Operating Administrations.


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