Amelia Earhart, one of the most famous Americans in transportation, once said:
“The more one does….the more one is able to do.”
That’s the philosophy that governed 2017 at the Eno Center for Transportation as we launched several new initiatives, doubled down on others, and sharpened our focus to maximize our impact.
But more than just a collection of activities, we’re finding critical importance in our mission to cultivate a creative and innovative workforce and to impact emerging issues for the nation’s multi-modal transportation system. Even though we’re a 97-year old organization, our work is more relevant than ever.
For example, at a time in which information systems, shared vehicles, and on-demand services play an increasing role in defining the new rules of the road, Eno’s major publications and leadership on advances like automated vehicles served to directly inform pending legislation on the federal level.
We’re also working directly and intensely with states like Virginia to collectively figure out how states are preparing for new technologies. Our high-level convening—Capital Convergence—brought together 200 leaders from the Washington, DC region and beyond to share lessons and insights about setting policies that ensure public safety and encourage innovation.
In the skies, our sustained focus on upgrading and modernizing the nation’s air traffic control system is widely recognized for helping guide a robust Congressional debate. Eno’s work on freight discretionary grants primed a federal investigation calling for more transparency in how finding gets awarded.
Beyond policy, our work is also rooted in practice. This past year, Eno launched EnoMAX (Multi-Agency Exchange), a peer-to-peer, inter-agency networking and best-practice sharing program and an excellent complement to our highly-competitive programs for senior executives and mid-managers. Together, we are working with leaders in Washington and across the country to build career ladders in transit.
Eno’s people development work matters today given the changes underway in public transit. New models of urban mobility, delivering transit services, maintaining infrastructure, governing agencies, and funding demand a sharper skills and fresher thinking, and Eno is helping lead that transition.
But we can’t do it alone. Our success is due to the members who support our work; to our truly unique position as the hub of a network of transportation industry leaders, like you; and a smart and dedicated staff with a solid reputation for credible, independent, and impactful work.
As Eno approaches its centenary, we have an opportunity to both celebrate the past and plan for the future. I look forward to working with you on all of it.
With that we at Eno wish you a peaceful holiday season and a prosperous 2018!
Robert Puentes