The Eno Center for Transportation announces the appointment of a new slate of members for its Board of Advisors and its Board of Regents.
Eno’s Board of Advisors provide valuable expertise on critical and emerging topics in transportation, assist in finding new fields deserving attention by Eno, contribute to Eno research initiatives, and assist with disseminating analyses and publications. The new slate of Advisors includes:
- Shailen P. Bhatt, President and CEO, Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America)
- Emily Feenstra, Managing Director of Government Relations and Infrastructure Initiatives, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Kate Fox Wood, Director, Government Relations and AEMPAC at Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM)
- Christopher Pangilinan, PE, Head of Global Policy for Public Transportation, Uber
- Michael Smythers, Vice President of Federal Government Affairs, BNSF Railway
- H. A. “Burt” Tasaico, P.E., Director of Strategic Initiatives and Program Support, North Carolina Dept. of Transportation (NCDOT)
- Maggie Walsh, Vice President and Strategic Pursuits Leader for the Transportation Business Group, HDR
- Nicole Young, Vice President, Government Operations, Commercial Aviation and Transportation, The Boeing Company
“Eno is very excited to welcome the new Advisors and look forward to working with them on critical and emerging issues in transportation,” says Eno President and CEO Robert Puentes. “At Eno, we believe collaboration with a diversified group of Advisors makes our work more powerful, credible, and effective.”
Eno also welcomes a new slate of members for its Board of Regents. Eno’s Board of Regents supports the educational and professional development programs, including selecting the Future Leaders Development Conference Fellows, offering advice and guidance on program development, and providing leadership for the Eno Alumni Association. The new slate of Regents includes:
- Asha Weinstein Agrawal, Director, Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) National Transportation Finance Center
- Rhonda Allen, Director of Executive Strategy, Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA)
- Anthony Barnes, Chief Operating Officer, Airport Minority Advisory Council
- Jonathan Church, Project Manager, McMahon Associates
- Jennifer Dill, Director of the Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) at Portland State University
- Steven Polunsky, Director of the Transportation Policy Research Center, University of Alabama
- Billy Terry, Director, National Transit Institute (NTI)
“The new slate of Regents shares Eno’s commitment to creative and visionary leadership in the transportation sector,” says Puentes. “Their expertise will help us continue to provide high-quality programs to advance the workforce and meet the needs of an evolving transportation industry.”
They join other distinguished leaders from across the transportation field currently serving on Eno’s Board of Advisors and Board of Regents. For a full list of all members, visit Our Boards page.
Eno is an independent, non-partisan think-tank that shapes public debate on critical multimodal transportation issues and builds an innovative network of transportation professionals. The leader in our field for nearly a century, government and industry leaders rely on Eno for timely research and an independent voice on policy issues. Our professional development programs strengthen the leadership and practical skills of transportation professionals across the industry.