Now that the five-year surface transportation reauthorization (the FAST Act) has been signed into law, we have rearranged Eno’s Highway Trust Fund Reference Page so that it is once again about the past, present and future of the Trust Fund itself (with financials updated as often as possible – we just added a link to the new quarterly Treasury Bulletin this morning). In the coming years, as interested parties try to think of ways to avoid the next Highway Trust Fund insolvency, this page will feature the future discussion of options and ideas.
In the meantime, we had compiled a lot of information on the specifics of the FAST Act itself, which we have divided into past and future.
We have taken all our old information on the development of the FAST Act and made it part of a more complete FAST Act Legislative History webpage. This page contains links to the text of every MAP-21 reauthorization hearing, all information on the Administration’s GROW AMERICA proposal, and full details of the development of the Senate’s DRIVE Act, the House’s STRR Act, and the House-Senate conference negotiations that produced the DRIVE Act. But this page won’t be updated much more, if at all (aside from adding more links to past ETW news coverage when we get time), because the bill has been signed into law and the legislative history is over.
For everything that has happened since the FAST Act was signed into law, we have put together a new FAST Act Reference Page. This contains all the summaries of the bill and its provisions that DOT and AASHTO have put together, every funding apportionment notice or notice of funding availability, and as much information about FAST Act implementation (mostly through Federal Register rules and notices) as we can find. There is already too much funding information to fit cleanly on the page, so we break that down into sub-pages for each fiscal year (the FY 2016 FAST Act Funding Information webpage is here).
Feel free to bookmark and share these links, and check back regularly as we keep adding content.