Eno Aviation Insights – Is New, Heavy Federal Airport Investment Necessary to Relieve Aviation Congestion?

January 24, 2018

Today the Eno Center for Transportation released the ninth policy brief in the Eno Aviation Insights series – Should the federal government invest heavily in expanding American airports to relieve congestion?

Airport congestion, and ensuing nationwide delays, are disruptive to travelers and to the American economy. Problems often start at high demand airports with limited runway capacity and become national problems because they have ripple effects across the country. The federal government has the ability to award grants aimed at bolstering our nation’s airports.

Eno’s latest brief examines the capital needs of airports, their sources of revenue, and the current funding programs available to determine if there is a need for further investment in American airports.

Read the full brief here.

Eno Aviation Insights answers the questions that the media and consumers regularly ask but are difficult to dissect. These policy briefs not only look at system-wide averages, but also discern what is happening in markets across the United States.

Eno wishes to acknowledge its Aviation Working Group, a standing advisory body that provides Eno staff with guidance and expertise on all matters related to aviation policy. The opinions expressed are those of Eno and do not necessarily reflect the views of our supporters.

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